Collaborative Robotics Test Integration Seminar

September 25, 2024  Intrinsic Quality, LLC – Elk Grove Village, IL

Join US! Collaborative RoboticTest Integration Seminar

September 25, 2024 in a morning or afternoon session


 The integrationn of Brooks PreciseFlex™ and IntelliGuide™ Vision robots with Intrinsic Quality’s robust test systems enhances efficiency and precision in automated testing.


Functional Test  |  ICT  |  Microcontroller Flash Device Programming  |  LED Testing  |  and more…

Brooks Automation and Intrinsic Quality will be presenting a live demo of our integration of the Brooks PreciseFlex and Intelliguide for Functional Test and Flash Device Programming. Join Brooks and IQ for an advanced overview and demonstration of IQ’s test solutions, along with the opportunity to network, and view many of IQ’s products and electronics manufacturing engineering and services. 

Morning Session:  10am – 12pm   |   Afternoon Session:  1pm – 3pm

Brooks IntrinsicQuality Technical Seminar

Location:  882 Cambridge Drive,

Elk Grove Village IL 60007

Just 15 minutes from O’Hare Airport

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Please choose a morning or aftenoon Session

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This seminar is free.
Please be assured we will not sell your information.

Refreshments will be provided

Collaborative Robotics Test Integration Seminar Overview


Functional Test  |  ICT  |  Microcontroller Flash Device Programming  |  LED Testing   

Brooks Automation and IQ will demonstrate the use of the Brooks PreciseFlex™ collaborative robot in tandem with the Brooks Intelliguide™ PCB handler for precision placement of the boards within a bed of nails custom test fixture.

The loading of the DUT is effortless.  As the test proceeds, the boards are data logged for serialized testing and subsequently identified as Pass or Fail.  The PreciseFlex then finalizes the DUT and moves the board into the Pass PCB rack, or if a failure is identified, the robot places those boards onto a Fail Rack for diagnosis, repair and future testing.

 In addition to the test data, IQ also provides a complete data logging summary report, that will detail pass fail statistics for each DUT and test operator.  The DUT can also be tested for LED functionality,  microcontrollers can be flash programmed and other functions or parameters can be fully tested.

Intrinsic Quality Partnership Products

Seminar Speakers

Dalton Dodge
Brooks Automation Robotics

Dalton Dodge – Brooks Automation – Lead Application Engineer

Expertise in automation, motion control, and control systems.

Larry Raymond, President

Larry Raymond – Intrinsic Quality, LLC – President

President and CEO of Intrinsic Quality, LLC, an Electronics Engineering firm specializing in expert Test Solution Development.

Lou Raymond, Test Engineering Manager

Lou Raymond – Intrinsic Quality, LLC –  Lead Test Engineer

Lou is the Lead Engineer for all of Intrinsic Quality’s Test Solutions.  His skills include the design, testing, and programming for all aspects of IQ’s test systems.

Travis Walker Ingun usa

Travis Walker  –  INGUN Midwest USAField Application Engineer 


Mark Walter Keithley Instruments

Mark Walter  –  Keithley InstrumentsMidwest Field Applications Engineer 

Field technical support for Keithley and Tektronix, specializing in semiconductor test.

Brooks Collaborative Robotics Test Integration

Industries for Collaborative Robotic Test Systems

  • Life Sciences
  • Medical Technology
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Electronics
  • Consumer Products
  • Gaming
  • Industrial Controls
  • OEM ~ CEM
Brooks PreciseFlex

Functional Collaborative Robot Test

An example of the integration of the PreciseFlex™ robot for functional test and flash programming for each pcb under test. The PreciseFlex Brooks collaborative robot is the perfect tool for this application.

The process is a seamless integration of a robotic board placement as the PreciseFlex™ progresses through the board placement, test, firmware load and proceeds through a pass / fail declaration.  This accelerated process dramatically improves typical downtimes.

The loading of firmware onto the board  was facilitated with the SMH Highspeed FlashRunner Microcontroller Programmer.  After completion, the DUT is then categorized and separated onto Pass or Fail racks for assembly or diagnosis and repair.

In this integration, IQ is able to provide:

  • Serial communication verification​
  • Simultaneous FlashRunner programming
  • Automated Pass / fail acknowledgement​
  • Effortless robotic snap-in DUT exchange​
  • Complate and Accurate Data Logging Software

For future applications, this robotic automation can be customized to virtually any controller chip, or manufacturing requirements.  Intrinsic Quality also integrates Keithley / Tektronix test and measurement instrumention.