Collaborative Robotics Test Systems

 Collaborative Robotics – Test Systems Integration


Intrinsic Quality has recently partnered with Brooks Automation as a systems integrator. Together, our goal is to innovate automated testing for electronics manufacturers. By integrating Brooks PreciseFlex™ and IntelliGuide™ Vision robots with Intrinsic Quality’s robust test systems, we can enhance efficiency and precision in automated testing. This result will have an impact on minimizing downtime, reducing costs and increasing quality while boosting overall performance.

Functional Test | ICT | Flash Device Programming |  LED Test

Our design engineers will work closely with your team to develop a testing solution that incorporates your selected automation components, required sequence of operations, and controls specifications.

 High Flexibility | Exceptional Accuracy | Fast Test Speeds |  Small Footprint

Brooks Automation PreciseFlex Collaborative Robotics

Brooks IQ Technical Seminar Invitation

Join us for our Collaborative Robotics Test Technical Seminar

on Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Morning Session: 10am – 12pm   |   Afternoon Session:  1pm – 3pm


Brooks Automation and Intrinsic Quality will be presenting a live demo of our integration of the Brooks PreciseFlex and Intelliguide for Functional Test and Flash Device Programming.   Join Brooks and IQ for an advanced overview and demonstration of IQ’s test solutions, along with the opportunity to network, and view many of IQ’s products and electronics manufacturing engineering and services.  A light lunch will also be provided.

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Session Choice *

Intrinsic Quality Partnership Products
Brooks Collaborative Robotics Test Integration

Industries for Collaborative Robotic Test Systems

  • Life Sciences
  • Medical Technology
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Electronics
  • Consumer Products
  • Gaming
  • Industrial Controls
  • OEM ~ CEM

Collaborative Robotics Test Applications

With IQ’s Collaborative Robot integration, your application will save test-time and capital expenditure, and reduce the potential for errors and damage caused by excessive board or device handling.

The PreciseFlex™  robot effortlessly chooses the next board from the carousel, loads the DUT into the fixture, where testing takes place.  Our custom test systems then tests the board, recording test data, and a pass / fail is ascertained.  The passed or failed boards are then placed in separate carousels, where the failed boards can be diagnosed and repaired for retesting.  In addition to the test data, IQ also provides a complete summary report, that will detail pass fail statistics for each DUT and operator.

•  Functional Test or ICT
•  Precise Test Board Placement
•  Less Operator Downtime
•  Increased Efficiency
•  Boost Performance
•  Reduced Costs

Collaborative Test Robotics Operator
PreciseFlex Collaborative Robot Functional Test

Functional Collaborative Robot Test

One of our most recent integrations for a major OEM, was to functional test and flash programming for each pcb under test. The PreciseFlex Brooks collaborative robot was the perfect tool for this application.

The process is a seamless integration of a robotic board placement as the operator progresses through the board test, firmware load and pass / fail declaration.  The collaborative robotics accelerates this process and dramatically improves typical downtimes.

The loading of firmware onto the board  was facilitated with the SMH Highspeed FlashRunner Microcontroller Programmer.

In this application, IQ was able to provide:

  • Serial communication verification​
  • Simultaneous FlashRunner programming
  • Pass / fail acknowledgement​
  • Effortless robotic snap-in DUT exchange​
  • Fingertip controls​
  • Accurate Data Logging Software

For future applications, this robotic automation can be customized to virtually any controller chip, or manufacturing requirements.